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Deadline to order: Wednesday, March 5th at midnight

Responsibility As A Parent

The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles:
• Trustworthiness,
• Respect,
• Responsibility,
• Fairness,
• Caring, and
• Good Citizenship.
The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these “six pillars of character.”

I therefore agree:
1. I will not force my child to participate in sports.
2. I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.
3. I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my child or the safety of others.
4. I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.
5. I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or other sporting event.
6. I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing and taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or gestures.
7. I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well being of the athletes.
8. I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.
9. I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or ability.
10. I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance.
11. I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every time.
12. I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.
13. I will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my child over winning. I will also de-emphasize games and competition in the lower age groups.
14. I will promote the emotional and physical well-being of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.
15. I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.
16. I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all sports events.
17. I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.

Zero-Tolerance Policy Regarding Referees

All persons responsible for a team (coaches, assistants, and team parents) and spectators shall support the referee team. Failure to do so undermines the referee’s authority and potentially creates a hostile environment for the players, the referees, and spectators.
WYSC has a zero-tolerance policy towards referee abuse. Any dissent toward the decisions of the referee will not be tolerated. There is to be absolutely no disputing calls during the game. If anyone from the team needs to interact with the referees, it will be through the coach. At halftime or at the end of the game, the coach of the team may ask a referee to explain a rule(s) in a polite and constructive way. This is not an invitation to debate.
Sarcasm, harassment, or intimidation will not be tolerated. There is to be no yelling at the referee ever. No one is to address the referee or enter the field of play during the game with the following exceptions: responding to a referee who initiates communication, asking for a substitution, or pointing out emergencies or safety issues.

Consequences of Violation:
No warnings have to be issued by the referee before application of any penalty. The penalty for violation of this policy may result in verbal warnings, cautions, ejection from the game, dismissal from coaching at WYSC, or possibly criminal charges. Failure of the ejected party to leave the field within a reasonable time will result in termination of the game at that point by the referee. Any game so terminated will be subject to review by the WYSC Board.

Spring 2025 Detailed Season Schedule

Jan 20 - Registration closes
Jan 21-30 - Confirm all coaches and roster players to teams
Jan 31 - Order jerseys
Week of Feb 10 - Practices begin
Feb 17 - Game schedule released - U4-U8 Game Schedule | U10 Game Schedule
Week of Feb 17 - Jerseys delivered to players at practice
Feb 22 - First game
Mar 8 - Picture Day
Mar 22 - No games (Spring Break)
Apr 19 - No games (Easter weekend)
Apr 20 - U8 & U10 draft tournament schedule released. Finalized schedule will be completed on Apr 27
Week of Apr 28 - U8 & U10 tournament
May 3 - Last game

Fall 2025
May 4 - Registration opens
May or June - Travel team tryouts (required to be on a travel team) - more info to be emailed out at a later date. Sign up here if interested.

Inclement Weather Policies

Lightning strikes within 10 miles identified by the WeatherBug app warrant suspension of all activities. If the Commissioner decides to suspend activities, everyone must immediately seek shelter in cars or restrooms. The Commissioner who initiated the suspension of activities will communicate the 'all clear' 30 minutes after the last reported thunder or lightning.

Hot Weather
Heat becomes a problem when it prevents the body from cooling itself. The hotter the body gets, the more likely it is to increase fatigue levels, develop cramps and increase the possibility of heat exhaustion and heat stroke. The hotter and more humid the weather, the faster these problems can develop. Monitor the weather, temperature, and heat index frequently. The following adjustments are recommended during hot weather (based on heat index):
89° and below - No adjustments
90°-99° - One two-minute water break per half with running time
100°-105° - Two two-minute water breaks per half with running time
106° and higher - Suspend play

Cold Weather
Like heat, cold weather can become a player safety factor. Field conditions will be affected by freezing rain, sleet, and snow. The ground may become frozen and unsafe for play. The following adjustments are recommended during cold play (based on wind chill index):
46° and higher - No adjustments
36°-45° - Additional clothing allowed as detailed below
30°-35° - Games shortened by 5 minutes per half. Additional clothing allowed as detailed below
29° and below - Suspend play

Allowable additional clothing for cold weather:
-Long sleeve shirt, sweatshirt, jacket (must be worn under jersey so referee can see number)
-Long pants, tights, leggings, sweatpants
-Gloves or mittens
-Stocking caps without straps
-Headbands, ear warmers
-Additional socks (under uniform socks)

Laws of the Game

All inter- and intra-league games shall conform to CAYSA rules, where not addressed in these local rules and procedures.

Law 1 – The Field of Play
All fields will have a “spectator line” marked approximately 5 feet from the touch-line between the penalty boxes as space allows. NO ONE, except the Assistant Referee, shall be between the spectator line and the touch-line.

Law 2 – The Ball
The size of the ball shall be as follows
U5 through U8 - Size 3 - Inflated to 23-24” 8-12 Ounces
U9 through U12 - Size 4 - Inflated to 25-26” 11-13 Ounces
U13 through U19 - Size 5 - Inflated to 27-28” 14-16 Ounces

Law 3 – Number of Players on the Field
U6 and younger - 2-3 players. No goalkeeper.
U7 and U8 - 3-4 players
U9 and U10 - 5-7 players
U12 through U19 - 7-11 players

Law 4 – Substitutes
In youth play, substitutions shall be unlimited with the following restraints:
Coaches must make every effort to play each registered player that is present (in each half) approximately one-half of the total game time unless unable to do so due to players illness or injury or for disciplinary reasons. In the event that a player is present but will not be playing, the coach must inform the referee and the opposing coach as to the reason that player will not participate.

Law 5 – Players Equipment
All players must wear shin guards, which are commercially produced and specifically designed to provide protection to the shins in all games and practices. Shin guards must be fully covered by socks.
Knee pads and elbow pads are permissible.
No player will be allowed to play with a hard cast, padded or otherwise.
Players may wear warm clothing in cold weather provided they wear their jerseys on the outside.
Players may wear sliding, bike, cyclist or tight-fitting pants which do not protrude below the top of the knee and are the same color as the shorts. This does not prohibit players from wearing loose fitting, long-legged sweatpants or tights when it is cold or goalkeepers from wearing goalkeeper pants which may be tight and have padding.
Bandanas of any style may not be worn during any game. Players may not wear a bandana either on their heads, legs or arms. Exceptions may be made for medical reasons.
Uniforms are mandatory by the second regular season game.
In the event the playing teams do not have contrasting colors, the home team shall be required to change, if requested by the referee.

Law 6 – Referees
The referee shall be the sole judge of the facts of the game (e.g., fouls, playability of the field, and appropriateness of the players’ equipment). If the official referee does not appear for the game within 15 minutes after the scheduled kickoff time, a person mutually agreed upon by BOTH coaches may referee the game.

Law 7 – Assistant Referees (Linesmen)
Assistant Referees (Linesmen) are required for U9 and older games. The Referee Assignor will assign a head referee and two linesmen for each game scheduled. A “Fourth” referee (certification not required) will be responsible for signaling the Center Referee for the substitution of players and will record the playing time of each player present and eligible to play. If an Assistant Referees does not arrive at the game within 15 min of the scheduled start the head referee will ask for a volunteer from each team, not a player in the scheduled match, to work the game as a Linesman.

Law 8 – Duration of the Game
Duration of the games shall be as follows:
U6 and younger (3v3) - Four 8-Minute Quarters
U7 – U8 (4v4) - Four 10-Minute Quarters
U9 – U10 (6v6) - Two 25-Minute Halves
U11 – U12 - Two 30-Minute Halves
U13 – U14 - Two 35-Minute Halves
U15 – U16 - Two 40-Minute Halves
U17 – U19 - Two 45-Minute Halves
The half-time interval shall be five (5) minutes and quarter-time interval shall be two (2) minutes.

Law 9 – The Start and Restart of Play
A kick-off starts both halves of a match, both halves of extra time and restarts play after a goal has been scored. Free kicks (direct or indirect), penalty kicks, throw-ins, goal kicks and corner kicks are other restarts. A dropped ball is the restart when the referee stops play and the Law does not require one of the above restarts.

Law 10 – The Ball in and out of Play
The ball is out of play when:
-it has wholly passed over the goal line or touchline on the ground or in the air
-play has been stopped by the referee
-it touches a match official, remains on the field of play and:
     -a team starts a promising attack or
     -the ball goes directly into the goal or
     -the team in possession of the ball changes
-In all these cases, play is restarted with a dropped ball.
The ball is in play at all other times when it touches a match official and when it rebounds off a goalpost, crossbar or corner flag post and remains on the field of play.

Law 11 – Determining the Outcome of a Match
Goal Scored
-A goal is scored when the whole of the ball passes over the goal line, between the goalposts and the crossbar, provided that no offense has been committed by the team scoring the goal.
-If the goalkeeper throws the ball directly into the opponents’ goal, a goal kick is awarded.
-If a referee signals a goal before the ball has passed wholly over the goal line play is restarted with a dropped ball.
Winning team
-The team scoring the greater number of goals is the winner. If both teams score no goals or an equal number of goals, the match is drawn.

Law 12 – Offside
U8 and younger – the offside rule shall be interpreted liberally; however, no player may play in an obvious offside position, in front of or near the goal, such as a “designated scorer”.
U9 through U19 – According to FIFA. U10 uses the “Build Out Line” to determine Offside

Law 13 – Fouls and Misconduct
There shall be no charging of the goalkeeper, fairly or unfairly, in CAYSA sanctioned competition. Any such act will be considered as “dangerous play” at the least and punished accordingly.

Law 14 – Free Kick
U8 and younger
-All fouls shall be penalized with indirect kicks.
-From the point of taking of an indirect kick or corner kick, opponents shall not be any closer than six (6) yards.
U9 through U19 – According to FIFA

Law 15 – Penalty Kick
U8 and younger – no penalty kicks
U9 and U10 – According to FIFA except the penalty spot is nine (9) yards from the goal line.
U11 through U19 – According to FIFA

Law 16 – Throw In
U8 and younger – If there is an infraction of the FIFA throw in rule, the player throwing the ball in shall receive one additional throw-in after correcting instruction from the referee. If the player violates the FIFA throw in rule in his/her second throw in, then the opposing team shall be awarded the throw in.
U9 through U19 – According to FIFA

Law 17 - Corner Kick
According to FIFA

Other WYSC Policies:
-U6 and under may have one coach on the field of play.
-U8 and older coaches may not be on the field during games. Coaches must stay on the half of the field where their bench is located.

FIFA Laws of the Game Document

Soccer Terms

Advantage - Although a penalty has occurred, referees are allowed to let the team that has just been fouled continue their offensive motion if stopping play would be non-beneficial to this specific momentum.

Corner Kick - Awarded to a team when the opposing team knocks the ball out-of-bounds on their own goal line (without scoring a goal). A player takes a kick from the corner of the field to restart play.

Counter Attack - An offensive strategy in which a team that just recovered possession quickly advances up the pitch. Counter attacks are performed immediately during the transition from defense to offense and attempts to take advantage of open field space left by opposing teams.

Defender - A player positioned in front of their goalkeeper who is primarily focused on stopping the opposition’s attackers from scoring.

Direct Free Kick - A direct free kick is a free kick from which an attacking goal can be scored directly. For example, when a direct free kick is taken, a player will be able to strike the ball on goal from a stationary position, and any direct goal will be legally allowed. Taken from the place where the offense occurred.

Forward - A player positioned directly in their opponents' territory, right outside their penalty box. Their main focus is creating opportunities and scoring goals.

Free Kick
- Awarded by an official to a team when they are penalized (an illegal action) by the opposing team. Used as a method for restarting play. Can be "direct" or "indirect".

Goalkeeper - The player positioned in the goal that tries to stop the ball from crossing the goal line. They are the only players on the field allowed to use their hands, but only inside the 18-yard penalty area. If they use their hands outside of the penalty area, the other team is awarded a free kick. Also called a "goalie" or a "keeper".

Goal Kick - Awarded when the attacking team puts the ball over the end line, this is a set kick taken from the defending team's own six-yard box.

Indirect Free Kick - A free kick where the ball must be touched by another player before it can go into the goal. The referee signals an indirect kick by raising their arm above their head. Taken from the place where the offense occurred.

Midfielder - A player positioned between the forwards and defenders, midfielders control traffic in the middle of the field and the transition between attack and defense.

Nutmeg - To pass and control the ball between an opponent’s legs. Also called a "meg".

Offside - A violation that occurs when an offensive player is closer to the opponent's goal than both the ball and the second-to-last opposing player at the time that the ball is passed to the offensive player by his or her teammate. The goalkeeper is considered the last defender. It's like lining up for a relay race, only to see that your competitor is a couple feet ahead of the starting line, and then someone tosses them the baton.
Visual explanation

Penalty Kick - Awarded to a player when the opposing team commits an illegal action in the penalty area in front of their own goal, a rectangular box surrounding the goals. Officials award the offensive team a kick towards the goal, in a 1-on-1 situation against the goalie from the penalty spot (a circle in the center of the penalty area in front of the goal).

Pinnie - Scrimmage vest worn to identify teams. Often made of mesh.

- The field of play

Press - A defensive strategy in which the defensive team adds heightened pressure to an opposing offense, attempting to regain control of the ball in less time.

Striker - A term that can be used interchangeably with forward, though it sometimes refers specifically to a forward that is their team's primary scoring threat.

Tackle - The act of taking the ball away from a player by kicking or stopping it with one's feet.

Throw-in - A way to restart play when the ball goes out over the sidelines. The team that did not last touch the ball last is allowed an overhead throw with a run-up from the sideline.

Touchline - The line surrounding the field of play, made up of the sidelines and the end lines.

Trap - The use of one's body to slow down and control a moving ball, most often using the chest, thighs or feet.

More info:
Adidas - On the Field: Soccer Positions Explained
Team Snap - Essential List of Soccer Terms
Soccer for Parents - Soccer Action Terms
US National Soccer Players - Soccer Terms
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